Zabbix 6.0 Certified Professional (ZCP)


During the training, participants will learn how to scale the Zabbix solution in distributed monitoring scenarios using Zabbix Proxy. Good communication practices between various system components will be discussed: Zabbix Server, Zabbix Agent, Zabbix Proxy using encryption.
Participants will face more advanced monitoring scenarios: VMware cluster, auto-detection (e.g. network interfaces) of SNMP, SQL monitoring (ODBC), monitoring of JAVA applications.
The training is dedicated to Zabbix administrators with a minimum of 6 months experience. The training lasts three days and is completed with a ZCP exam. After its successful completion students are given an official Zabbix Certified Professional certificate (ZCP)

Training program:

  • Data collection: Database monitoring
  • Automation: LLD - discovery of host resources, Windows services, discovery using SNMP and SQL
  • Data collection: VMware monitoring
  • Data collection: Java monitoring
  • Configuration: Trend prediction, percentile
  • Configuration: Bulk metrics and dependent items
  • Configuration: Item value preprocessing
  • Automation: Network discovery
  • Automation: Auto-registration
  • Configuration parameters: Zabbix server, Zabbix agent
  • Installation: Distributed monitoring - Active/Passive proxies
  • Installation: Encryption in Zabbix
  • Installation: Docker images
  • Administration: Scaling and performance tuning - how to monitor millions of metrics and millions of triggers
  • Administration: Maintenance and operations - best practices, DB sizing, upgrades
  • Administration: Problems, challenges and solutions - integration with 3rd party systems, performance, maintenance issues
  • Certification (Exam)

Course prerequisites:

Zabbix Certified Specialist certificate (ZCS)

Zabbix version:

Zabbix 6.0 LTS

Course duration:

24 hours (3 days)

Price includes:

  • Training conducted by Zabbix certified trainer
  • PDF format training materials
  • Lunch
  • Attempt to ZCP exam

Group size:

up to 8 persons


Ogrodowa Str 58
Warsaw 00-876